
Publikationen in 2022

Netsch, A.; Horn, H.; Wagner, M.
On-Line Monitoring of Biofilm Accumulation on Graphite-Polypropylene Electrode Material Using a Heat Transfer Sensor

Biosensors 2022, 12, 18


Publikationen in 2021

Projektblatt BioDME, DEMO-BioBZ, RIAS

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung


Publikationen in 2020

Sievers, M.; Haupt, D.; Schumann, R.; Issa, M.; Landwehr, L; Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.
Das Potenzial mikrobiologischer Brennstoffzellen in der kommunalen Abwasserbehandlung

wasserwirtschaft wassertechnik Ausgabe 7-8-2020
wasserwirtschaft-wassertechnik Ausgabe 7-8-2020


Muddemann, T.; Haupt, D.; Jiang, B.; Sievers, M.; Kunz, U.
Investigation and Improvement of Scalable Oxygen Reducing Cathodes for Microbial Fuel Cells by Spray Coating

Processes 8.1 (2020): 11


Publikationen aus dem Projekt BioBZ:

Jiang, B.; Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.; Gomes Silva e Silva, L.; Bormann, H.; Niedermeiser, M.; Haupt, D.; Schläfer, O.; Sievers, M.
Graphite/MnO2 and MoS2 Composites Used as Catalysts in the Oxygen Reduction Cathode of Microbial Fuel Cells

J. Electrochem. Soc. Tech. 164 (14) (2017) E519-E524


Jiang, B.; Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.; Niedermeiser, M.; Bormann, H; Haupt, D. R.; Schläfer, O.; Sievers, M.
Effects of Fenton’s reagent and thermal modification on the electrochemical properties of graphite felt for microbial fuel cell

Res Chem Intermed (2017)


Jiang, B.; Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.; Bormann, H.; Niedermeiser, M.; Haupt, D. R.; Schläfer, O.; Sievers, M.
Evaluation of Microbial Fuel Cells with Graphite/MnO2 and MoS2 Composite Oxygen Reduction Cathode Catalyst with Different Supports and Producing Methods

ECS Trans. 77 (11) (2017) 1043-1051


Muddemann, T.; Haupt, D. R.; Gomes Silva e Silva, L.; Jiang, B.; Kunz, U.; Bormann, H.; Niedermeiser, M.; Schläfer, O.; Sievers, M.
Integration of Upscaled Microbial Fuel Cells in Real Municipal Sewage Plants

ECS Trans. 77 (11) (2017) 1053-1077


Jiang, B.; Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.; Haupt, D.; Bormann, H.; Niedermeiser, M.; Schläfer, O.; Sievers, M.; Hofmann S.
Effect of K3Fe(CN)6 on Long-Term Electrochemical Power Output of Four Series Stack MFCs

Int. J. Current Research


Jiang, B.; Muddemann, T.; Kunz, U.; Bormann, H.; Niedermeiser, M.; Haupt, D.; Schläfer, O.;Sievers, M.
Evaluation of Microbial Fuel Cells with Graphite Plus MnO2 and MoS2 Paints as Oxygen Reduction Cathode Catalyst

J. Electrochem. Soc. 2017 164(3) H3083-H3090


Riedl, S., Brown, R.K., Alvarez-Esquivel, D.Y., Wichmann, H., Huber, K.J., Bunk, B., Overmann, J., Schröder, U. Cultivating Electrochemically Active Biofilms at Continuously Changing Electrode Potentials

ChemElectroChem. 6 (2019) 2238–2247


Riedl, S., Brown, R.K., Klöckner, S., Huber, K.J., Bunk, B., Overmann, J., Schröder, U. 
Successive Conditioning in Complex Artificial Wastewater Increases the Performance of Electrochemically Active Biofilms Treating Real Wastewate

ChemElectroChem. 4 (2017) 3081-3090


Brown, R.K., Schmidt, U.C., Harnisch, F., Schröder, U. 
Combining hydrogen evolution and corrosion data – A case study on the economic viability of selected metal cathodes in microbial electrolysis cells

J. Power Sources. 2017. (2017) 356 473-483